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News / Events / Ausstellungen / Projekte
Podcast episode on airport development in the Global South with Irit Ittner, Sneha Sharma, Hanna Geschewski, and Rose Bridger
DGSKA-Konferenz 2025: Call for Papers for 'Upcycling, in an Extended Sense'
DGSKA-Konferenz 2025: Call for Papers for the Panel "Commons in der Stadt: Ver-/ Entgesellschaftung von Land und Raum"
Online-Kolloquium AG Stadtanthropologie im Frühjahrssemester 2024
Mecila Urban Narratives Fellowship (3-5 months) to an excellent early-career scholar
DGSKA 2023 München, Panel “Barrio”, “Kiez”, “Mahalla”: Chances, Challenges and Changes in Neighbourhood Relations (Susanne Fehlings und Bärbel Högner)
DGSKA 2023 München, Panel "Sensing Urban Environments (Sandra Calkins and Jon Schubert)
Workshop "Deconstructing Circularity" 2023
DGSKA 2021 (Bremen, online) "Entanglements in the More-than-human City: Ethnographic Approaches in the Anthropocene" (Raúl Acosta, Madlen Kobi, Tilmann Heil)
DGSKA 2017 (Berlin): "The City – Aspiration, Belonging, Imagination" (Susanne Fehlings und Bärbel Högner)
Website des Projekts "Urban Bricolage. Mining, Designing and Constructing With Reused Building Materials", SNSF-PRIMA-project led by Prof. Dr. Madlen Kobi
DGSKA 2019 (Konstanz), Panel "The End of the Polis?
Urban Anthropological Explorations in the 'Post-Political City'" (Juliane Kanitz, Bärbel Högner, Susanne Fehlings, Lukas Ley)
Workshop 2018 "Ethnologie der Stadt. Methodik, Materialität, Theorie", Frankfurt a.M.
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